Le lycée de la Mer est adhérent de France EUROPEA
Le lycée de la Mer est adhérent de France EUROPEA

It is a two-year Comenius/eTwinning project which aims to study and analyse the eating habits and related behaviours of European young people , also assessing the significance that food ,appreciated as a vital factor and a source of pleasure and sharing, has for each individual .

The project aims at reaching a common cultural and human reflection on “what you should and shouldn't eat,' Junk' food and 'healthy' food – what does it all mean? Is it really important?

The work is therefore based on a peer to peer analysis of nutritional material exchanged in order to draw up a set of guidelines on a correct lifestyle in order to decrease young people’s risk of a number of immediate health problems, such as obesity, eating disorders and dental decay.

It also wishes to educate teenagers on correct nutritional values so as to prevent long-term health problems, such as CHD, cancer or strokes.Of course it is much more than a question of nutrition: it can be traced to a social identity discovered through research activities, selecting appropriate information and then finalizing the work.